So as we are about to have our first little baby, I have been amazed to see the changes that occur in both Michelle and the little duder growing inside (this is Nick writing by the way). It started off as just a little swelling in the belly and some nausea, and now is an actual human being living in my wife's nethers and knocking on the door of her abdomen to prove that she's there. There's nothing more insane than to be looking at Michelle's stomach and see the outline of a hand make an outdent? on her stomach. I'm so excited to meet my little daugher.
Michelle has really taken it for the team on this one; she comes home from work with kankles and puffy toes, but yet she has never stopped smiling or being her same beautiful self. I would not be handling this nearly as well as she is! I really am the luckiest guy to have found such an amazing wife.
Of course, it should be pointed out that she's not the only one who has been undergoing some "special" changes. I have undergone a slow process of beautification that is appreciated by very few, but should be recorded for posterity's sake. I am under strict orders, that there shall be no metaphorsososing when the baby is born, and that no remnant should be present when the delivery takes place. That means that there is some quick clean up work necessary since Michelle will be induced this week. We are both super excited, but realizing that with an induction date set, it's no longer "when?" but "Oh!"
I realized that being done with clinical rotations, and having no patient interaction until late June left me with ample time on my hands that I decided to dedicate to grooming. It began with a bushy beard:
This eventually led into my own personal favorite, the colonial soldier/motorcyclist:To be honest, things went downhill from that beauty and turned into this...disco nick:
After that phase lost its awesomeativity, I decided to buy a van with no windows and give out free candy...yikes:The final touch turned me into a circus ring leader or patisserie owner. Either way, it has taken way too much time to keep it trimmed correctly.
These pictures are further proof that Michelle is the most amazing wife. She has let me have these last 2 months of painful transformation, though not without lots of embarrassment. True story, we were on a walk when a random lady decided to start up a conversation with us. In the middle of the conversation, and without any transition, Michelle abruptly changed topics to explain to the lady that "his face doesn't usually look like this, he's just doing it as a joke." I guess I missed the joke because the mirror tells me it looks awesome. Just sayin'.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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Wow oh wow! This has just made me at least 100 times more excited for you two to move back here!!!!!!!!!! this is some seriously good stuff! And I'm sure sad i wasn't there to experience these transformations. BOOYAH! 2010! SPANKIN FUJI! Love you both!
Oh good I've been dying to see Nick's facial hair. I'm glad to call him brother.
That picture of Michelle is made so great by the pattern on the dress.
Umm...I get to see you in 11 DAYS!!!!!!
I am so excited for you guys! Nick, you are RIDICULOUSly funny!
Thanks for the pictures Nick! Miche, you look great, feet and all! Does this week early induction mean that I lose naming privilege for the wee babe? Love you!!
I love it! Good luck with your induction this week!
I feel weird being the only dude leaving a comment but there is much praise to be given for such a fine sequence in your mustache maturation over the last few months. it has gone from hot to hotter to irresistible. And yes, i would absolutely let my kids take candy from your van with no windows. Bitchin' stache bro. you're my hero.
love you guys
I am so stinkin' excited to see my new grand-girlie!!!! Michelle, you are about the cutest pregnant lady EVER! And Nick, ummm....well, that hair growing awesomeness must come from my side of the family. I guess we're just a bunch of hairy beasts. If you were back in the
70''d be driving a Mustang and listening to Creedance Cleerwater Revival.
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