Friday, May 14, 2010

Michelle just got a little fentanyl on board, so it knocked her pain out, and put her to sleep. She's doing great at around 4-5 cm. Epidural was just placed, and she is feeling groovy.


Mikey said...

Can hardly wait. We're soooooo excited for both of you. Take good care of each other

Us said...

So excited. Keep the updates coming!

bj+anne+brody+macie+lucy+ellie said...

love i a dork for wanting to be involved?? is Fagerland going to deliver?

mare said...

hooray. nick you are a genius. and i'm glad to see the facial hairs are all gone. zuri might've thought she'd accidentally been born a hick.

i can't believe she's asleep. wait, it's michelle, yes, i can. good for her. that's excellent. can't wait for another slick vid.

tell her i love her. she can do it!

Liz said...

This is so exciting. Say hi to Michelle and Amanda for me.

Kelly said...

I'm so excited. I love the updates!